Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Our Story Devo. style:

In case you missed it, here's our story. My family and I are moving to Russia to live as missionaries for the next season of life.

Matthew 28:16-20, known as the great commission, was preached often when I was in college. It seems like I heard it at least once a week. The scene opens with eleven disciples hanging out on the mountain, after Jesus’ death. They are waiting for Him to get there, because He said He’d meet them on that mountain. I imagine, like any employee today, one of them asking “is this where the meeting is scheduled? Are you sure?”

Even after seeing him resurrected, some still doubted. Sometimes, I’m that doubter. Do you know that Jesus said the same thing to the doubters as he did to those who were firm in faith? The scripture reads: “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”

These were Jesus’ disciples, and now He is telling them to go make disciples. In the book of Acts and other New Testament books you read a lot about Jesus’ disciples making disciples!
"It is an incredible feat that because 12 men obeyed, you and I are Christians. Imagine that!"

My husband and I were at a crossroads in life in 2010, when I found out the ministry I was working for would be relocating to California. We prayed and sought the Lord for about a month about whether we were to follow the ministry to California. The answer was “no.” So, we simply asked God, “what next?”

In 2011, we embarked on a two week misson trip to Russia, and as soon as we hit America we felt the Lord calling us back to Russia. Now we, Christians, know satisfaction doesn’t come from the American Dream, but from obeying God’s calling on your life. The pursuit of happiness is not a scripture verse, lest we forget. I laugh now, having to remind myself of this, and how much God loves humor (he did create it). But, recall that the greatest commandment is to love Him, and the second greatest is to love others like you love yourself (Matt. 22:37-39).

In 2012, my family and I are answering the call of God on our lives and committing ourselves to the great commission. We have rented out our home, sold some furniture, stored other items and will take 3 suitcases, a pack-n-play, and our 8 month old to Russia. First, we will complete a month of missions and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) training with TeachOverseas.org Maybe we’ll see you in Moscow!

Following Jesus,

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